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Best Weight Loss Journal Online : Intermittent Fasting
Best Weight Loss Journal Online Intermittent Fasting ! Hi Brad, Back in late December, 2008, a single of our product sales managers believed up the wonderful concept of obtaining our very own workplace "Biggest Loser" competitors. The competitors ran from January 9-April 9, 2009. I was one of 22 folks who chose to participate. The contest was based mostly on a blend of percentage entire body bodyweight lost and percentage body fat misplaced. I'm pleased to report that thanks in massive element to your system of intermittent fasting and weight coaching I won the contest! I experienced practically eight% reduction in physique fat. Not only did I win adequate funds to acquire a set of adjustable dumbbells, a stand, excess weight bench, and some new outfits, but I've also never ever felt as fit and healthful as I do right now. Moreover, I have no intention of stopping. I've experienced a comprehensive paradigm shift in my connection to food. I know it sounds cliche, but I genuinely do no longer "reside to consume," but rather "consume to live." It really is incredibly liberating. And I really like people's reaction when they request me how I did it and I tell them "intermittent fasting." They seem at me blankly inform them the Consume Cease Eat story. The intelligent ones are inquisitive about it, and the even smarter ones are providing it a try out (one particular of my co-workers and her sister fasted yesterday and said it went properly). All that explained, hold up the wonderful function! Sincerely, Louis Ressler "It's been daily life changing!"
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